Nielo Gan

3D games will no doubt accelerate the adoption of 3DTVs, provided it’s financially viable for 3D TV manufacturers to incorporate the extra dimension on their mid-range sets. But for 3D gaming to become prevalent, Microsoft ...

Nielo Gan
Is 3D TV Here To Stay?

In the keynote speech at Panasonic Convention 2010, Bill Foster from Futuresource Consulting presented a persuasive argument in favour of 3D TV, and I happen to agree with him (for the most parts). The images ...

Nielo Gan
3D TV @ Panasonic Convention 2010

On the 16th of February 2010, Panasonic chose the beautiful city of Munich to launch and promote their 2010 line-up of products – ranging from home entertainment systems to portable devices – at their annual ...

Nielo Gan