FetchTV App Debuts On Panasonic & Samsung Smart TV Sets

Richard Carlton

IP Vision, a leading provider in the hybrid DTT (digital terrestrial television)/ IPTV (internet-protocol TV) sector in the United Kingdom, has recently unveiled details of its first two FetchTV apps for connected TVs. One of the apps – the one designed for Panasonic Smart Viera HDTV sets – has already gone live this month, while the second FetchTV app destined for Samsung’s Smart TV range is scheduled to launch in the first quarter of next year.

Panasonic Smart Viera TV
FetchTV App debuts on Panasonic and Samsung Smart TV sets

This is just the beginning for the company, as it is also preparing to unveil other customised versions of the FetchTV content for other internet-connected television platforms next year. IP Vision is aiming to extend its services to a range of connected devices including PCs and Blu-ray players – the development of different versions of the award-winning FetchTV content portal for IETVs (internet-enabled televisions) forms part of this strategy.

With these FetchTV apps, consumers will be able to enjoy on-demand access to a wide range of movies, a variety of specialist channels, and a great choice of genres for their viewing pleasure. It is also a very cost effective option for households looking to keep their costs down, as there is no costly subscription, contract or monthly fee to deal with. Instead, viewers can choose from options such as micro-subscriptions for as little as £1.99 per month, or can view on a Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) basis.

IP Vision’s chief executive officer (CEO) Eddie Abrams described the evolution of connected TVs as “possibly the greatest transformation to the TV viewing experience since the advent of colour back in the 1960s”. He added that these Smart TV displays provide a great platform through which viewers can enjoy a wide variety of programmes on the FetchTV portal.