LG to Launch Swarovski Crystal OLED TV at IFA 2014

Mike Wheatley

There are very few living room objects more glamorous than a shiny new OLED TV, but that hasn’t stopped LG Electronics from trying to go one step better. Imagine an OLED television with a crystal-studded stand AND those oh-so sexy curves to go with it.

LG Swarovski OLED TV

Well, that’s exactly what LG has gone and done, teaming up with the renowned Austrian crystal maker Swarovski to create a limited edition “Premium OLED TV” that’s sure to look the part in any ‘Premium’ living room.

Few TVs are more flamboyant than this. LG says the stand is covered with approximately 460 Aurora Borealis crystals that appear like stars twinkling in the night sky. Each crystal was painstakingly embedded into the TV stand by hand, using custom-made stencils. According to the Korean manufacturer, it has the effect of making the telly appear as if it’s floating in mid-air, or against the night sky.

“We are excited to showcase this one-of-a kind TV — our first collaboration with designers from Swarovski — to visitors at IFA,” Hyun-hwoi Ha, president and CEO of LG, said in a statement. “The epitome of luxury and refinement, Swarovski crystals and LG’s premium OLED TV complement each other perfectly.

Besides the crystals, the TV also happens to be curved – another marketing tactic used by LG and its buddy Samsung to convince consumers to rush out and buy a new set. And while LG isn’t expecting this particular model to appeal to the masses, it does underline LG’s determination to convince us that curved is somehow better.

As for the TV’s specs and model number, LG hasn’t said a word. However, the styling looks suspiciously similar to the LG 55EA980W model we reviewed last year. If that’s the case, LG’s Swarovski Premium OLED TV could be a 55-inch 1080p HDTV rather than a 4K Ultra HD display, but we’ll find out soon enough in any case as it’s scheduled to make an appearance at IFA 2014 in Berlin later this week.

As far as pricing goes, LG hasn’t revealed details just yet, though we’d imagine it’s unlikely to be cheap – in all honesty, we’d be perfectly happy with a cheap and cheerful vanilla OLED TV rather than all of this glitter. As always though, there’s sure to be a few takers with more money than sense.